Listening to Barack Obama speak, I can't help but feel hope for the next four years.
During the last couple hours as I sat in my living room listening and watching as the states' votes got tallied, I got out a stash of polymer clay and started to play with a ball of it. I'd had this idea in my head of making a little figurine of sorts but, having never really sculpt a thing in my life, I wasn't quite sure how to go about it. So, I did what I usually do - look up references (in this case pictures) and then discard them as I make my own way to do something.
I just took him/her out of the oven, so s/he hasn't been sanded or polished yet (I think I'll actually do that tomorrow because my pillow has started to shout my name {sick feeling yesterday has turned into a full blown cold today [which always makes me wonder where all that crap that comes out of your nose comes from]}), so please don't be too hard on him/her! S/He has some wrinkles that will be softened tomorrow.
Sadly, I haven't named him/her yet (obviously, as the little guy/girl is still being called as such), so if you have any suggestions, I'm open to suggestions!
Back (with a dime for reference):
And a really fuzzy close-up (I really need to break out my camera manual and figure out how to manually focus):
This was a lot of fun to do, and I can totally see making more little sculptures! I might even venture into using multiple colors!
hmm... I think he should be deemed Wol (the owl from Winnie da Pooh). But he looks remarkable like the Pygmy (ps we got a new pygmy owl).
I think it is absolutely adorable.
that's cool. I want to place an order for 5,000,000,000,000,000 of them. And yeah, I want a volume discount. And I need 'em fast!
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