Saturday, November 1, 2008


So, I was thinking to myself today, "Self, are we going to do NaBloPoMo this year?" And then I walked up the street, saw the changing colors, and thought, "what the hell?" (Not that the walking or the colors had anything to do with my decision... Like many of my thoughts, this one happened completely randomly.) So, here I am. Posting.

I'm doing things a bit differently this year, however. I had decided sometime in October that I was going to use the month of November as my creative month. I know I shouldn't just limit my creativity to one month, but everyone's gotta start somewhere, am I right?

Enter: Zee Creates.

I'll be posting my crafty endeavours here. Please feel free to comment, give advice (because most of the time, I have no idea what I'm doing), or just say hi. I'm hoping this month will get my ass in gear and get some of these ideas I've had floating around in my addled brain actual form.

30 days starts now!


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I'm adding you to my faves. You have sparked my interest. I wanna see what you come up with!

Zee said...

Thanks Sherry! Welcome ^.^